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2nd December 2003
LRC seeks public opinion on Abbey Meadows proposal

The Leicester Regeneration Company (LRC) is organising a public exhibition at select locations in Leicester from the 9th -12th December 2003. The event will provide the people of Leicester with a chance to comment on the proposed plans to redevelop Abbey Meadows in Leicester. One of five exciting regeneration projects planned by the LRC, the redevelopment of this site includes a new science and technology park with a large, mixed use housing development.

The exhibition will take place at three different locations in Leicester: The National Space Centre on Tuesday 9th December from 8am-5pm, Sainsbury’s, Belgrave Road on Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th December from 8am -5pm and the Belgrave Neighbourhood Centre, Room 7, Rothley Street from 12pm-4pm on 12th December 2003. Members of the LRC project team will be available at the event to present the ideas for the Abbey Meadows site and engage with the Leicester Public.

The Abbey Meadows development is expected to impact significantly on Leicester and its economy, as well as improving the river and canal side areas around the Space Centre and Wolsey Island. Over the last five months, the LRC has been working with a specialist team of consultants led by Building Design Partnership (BDP) - Architects, Urban Designers and Masterplanners, to prepare a detailed design and highways framework for the Abbey Meadows area.

The LRC’s proposed option for the redevelopment of Abbey Meadows includes a new science and technology park, comprising of around 40,500 square metres of office laboratory and business incubator space with the National Space Centre as its centrepiece. An estimated 60 new small and medium sized business are planned, which will result in the creation of around 1800 high income jobs, focused around science and technology related industries. The public will benefit from a new gateway entrance on the A6 as well as new green pedestrian walkways and cycle routes stretching northwards to create pedestrian bridges over the River Soar and Grand Union Canal.

Up to 2,000 new houses are also proposed for the Wolsey Island area to the East side of the River Soar and Grand Union Canal in the Ross Walk area of Belgrave. The housing development will include work/living units and will be supported by improved educational, health and retail facilities.

Peter Conboy, Development Manager at the Leicester Regeneration Company said;
“The redevelopment of the Abbey Meadows area will play a crucial role in improving the future economy of central Leicester. At this stage, it is vital that we consult the public on our plans before drawing up more detailed plans for this project’s delivery. The public consultation will ensure we can engage with the people of Leicester and find out what they think about this proposal. “

The LRC needs the publics view before it can go any further with more detailed plans for this area. Feedback on the Abbey Meadows redevelopment can be sent c/o Leicester Shire Promotions, Freepost LE 6249, Leicester LE1 7ZP or e-mailed to . To find out more about this key LRC project please visit leicesterregeneration.co.uk

The LRC was set up in 2001, and is a not for profit partnership between the public sector, private sector and the wider community. Their aim is to improve the physical image and environment of the city and further its economic prosperity. Following an ongoing public consultation programme in 2002, the LRC launched a Masterplan, which is a framework for redevelopment in the city centre around the ring road and along the Grand Union Canal/River Soar for the next ten to fifteen years. The masterplan encompasses five important projects: Science and Technology Park with new Residential Development, Prime Office Core, Retail Circuit, New Community and Waterside.



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