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2nd July 2003
LRC Confirms Consultants for Future Science and Technology Park

The Leicester Regeneration Company (LRC) has appointed a team of specialist consultants to prepare a detailed design and highways framework for the Abbey Meadows area, which will include the proposed Science and Technology Park. Abbey Meadows is one of the five major projects identified in the LRC’s Regeneration Masterplan, and the LRC is preparing detailed proposals for all of them through the spring and summer of this year.

The project team will be headed up by Building Design Partnerships (BDP) and was announced on Friday 27th June 2003.

Five expert organisations make up the team of consultants brought together by BDP - Architects, Urban Designers and Masterplanners. The additional consultants include; Civil Engineers ‘Posford Haskoning’, Traffic Engineers and Planners ‘MVA’, International Property Consultants ‘Jones Lang LaSalle’ and Cost Consultants ‘Thomas and Adamson’.

Located in the Abbey Meadow area of Leicester, this exciting project is expected to impact significantly on Leicester and its economy. Situated in an attractive riverside setting, which is currently grossly underused, the Science and Technology Park will cover around 45,000 square metres and will be constructed around the National Space Centre. The presence of a Science and Technology Park will maximise on the two universities’ expertise in biotechnology, medicine, space science and design, attracting high-income jobs into the city and encouraging graduate retention. The design framework will also provide the basis for the whole scale regeneration of the Wolsey Island and Ross Walk area with new housing, leisure and community facilities.

Around 40 Expression of Interests were initially received from consultants wanting to participate in this innovative project. Following a thorough selection process, the LRC then interviewed 3 organisations before making a final decision.

The design and feasibility study is set to commence immediately and is envisaged to continue throughout the Summer 2003. The first phase of building work is estimated to commence mid 2004.
Peter Conboy, Development Manager at the LRC, comments on the successful team of consultants as: “We are extremely pleased to have awarded the Abbey Meadows and Science and Technology project to this team of consultants. Led by BDP, the consultants demonstrated an excellent track record, with real evidence of achieving high quality work on other science and technology parks in the UK. We believe we have appointed an extremely knowledgeable team of architects, urban designers and masterplanners and look forward to working with them in the coming months.”

Stephen Redfern, Director at BDP said: “The design team led by BDP is delighted to be commissioned for this significant project in Leicester. The Abbey Meadows area offers an opportunity to create an international science park reflecting the world class standard of local university research. The overall development framework will provide a unique live/work environment, maximising the potential of the waterfront and integrated with the wider urban fabric and community.”


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