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20 March 2002
Leicester citizens meet to discuss city development

A group of volunteers, representing Leicester citizens and businesses, met on March 13th in the first of a series of meetings to discuss the regeneration of the city.

The group, which consists of local people who responded to open invitations in the local press and other media, is part of a consultation process which is being carried out by Roger Tym & Partners on behalf of the Leicester Regeneration Company. The consultation will form a key part of the master plan that the Leicester Regeneration Company is developing over the next six months. This will become the framework to drive forward regeneration in the city.

Leicester based company Social Research Associates organised the Citizens Team, which is made up of twenty two volunteers representative of the citys diverse population. The team will meet regularly over the next few months to work with the consultants, putting forward their views on how they think Leicester should be regenerated.

This initial meeting introduced the issues involved in regeneration, and explained how the team will provide comment and reaction as the master plan emerges. At the end of the meeting each member of the group was given a disposable camera and told to take photographs around the city. They were asked to look at places they like, places they dislike, places where they can see opportunities for development, and places that need attention. The photographs will help to stimulate discussion at future meetings.

John Nicholls, Chief Executive of the Leicester Regeneration Company comments: Roger Tym & Partners are international experts on regeneration, but we want experts on Leicester and there is no-one better qualified than local residents. We want the citizens team to be fully engaged and work with us as a sounding-board during preparation of our Master Plan. There will also be opportunities for everyone in Leicester to comment on our emerging proposals at two public exhibitions over the next few months. Combined with the input of the citizens team, this should give us a real insight into our Citys needs and preferences.

The next meeting will take place on 20th March. Consultants involved in the regeneration plan will talk to the group about economic regeneration, architecture and transportation issues.


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