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11th December 2001
Roger Tym & Partners appointed to produce vision for city

The Leicester Regeneration Company has announced the successful appointment of Roger Tym and Partners to masterplan the regeneration of its area, creating a change in the city's fortunes.

Roger Tym and Partners will manage the nationally and internationally respected team who will set out a programme of action for the Regeneration Company in key areas of Leicester. The regeneration framework will be crucial to the future development of the Company's area, which covers the city centre, its surroundings and the river/canal corridor. At the heart of the masterplan will be the contribution this area can make to the overall economy and profile of Leicester.

Roger Tym and Partners will set out these overall needs and objectives outlined in the baseline study carried out by GVA Grimley, and will be supported by economic analysts, Techlocate.

The masterplan also demands creative imagination and flair, which will be provided by Alsop Architects, one of the UK's leading firms operating on the international scene, and Grant Associates, Landscape Architects.There are also practical needs, such as transport, traffic and travel issues, which will be addressed by Oscar Faber and Associates who are major transport consultants.

Another key aspect of the masterplan is the development of the city's property market. Chestertons and local company Innes England will be working together to ensure that the property market achieves its full potential.

Comedia, a company with international experience will be working to ensure that the city's creativity and arts potential is fully realized and developed.

A key element of the work will be the engagement of local communities and business. They will be fully involved and consulted, and future development will reflect public preference and stakeholders opinions. These will be encouraged through consultation exercises carried out by Leicester based Social Research Associates.

The new Chief Executive, John Nicholls, said 'We selected Roger Tym after an exhaustive selection process involving the top names in this field. The most important aspect of the masterplan is that it all has to be deliverable. There is no point in having a glossy plan that talks about great ideas but sits on a shelf. We need a detailed recipe to carry out this work and we know that a firm of Roger Tym and Partners calibre and
experience is ideally placed to give us exactly that."

The masterplan is expected to be completed by summer 2002.


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