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11th April 2002
Stage One of City's Masterplan Complete

The first stage of the development of Leicesters masterplan is now nearing completion. The masterplan, which will become a framework for regeneration in the city, has been commissioned by the Leicester Regeneration Company and is being developed by consultants Roger Tym & Partners. Work started on the masterplan earlier this year and is expected to be completed by September.

The first stage of the masterplan has examined the economic, social and physical needs of Leicester. This initial stage identifies the opportunities available in the city, and how the Leicester Regeneration Company will ensure that the 1,000 acres within their area can be used to realise this potential.
John Nicholls, Chief Executive of Leicester Regeneration Company said These findings are extremely important as they will play an influential part in determining the citys future, through physical and economic development. Roger Tyms approach is ideal: through this analysis, they have drafted a detailed brief for the next stage in the development of the masterplan. We are now consulting the Council on that brief.

Work is already underway on the second stage of the masterplan. This will define the framework of the strategy for the LRC area, which covers approximately 1,000 acres of the City, including the City Centre and the river and canal corridor, roughly between the National Space Centre and the new football stadium. It will indicate what role each part of this central area will play in relation to the whole, and how they will link together. In some parts it will be indicative, and in others more detailed. This second stage should be ready for consultation at the beginning of June, when a number of public exhibitions and workshops will be held to involve stakeholders and citizens in the testing of ideas.

Defining the brief is a vital stage, and consensus is essential, commented project director Nora Galley of Roger Tym & Partners. We now have the themes on which the strategy will be based tying together a compact and easily used city centre; creating opportunities for developments which will address the needs of the economy and transform Leicesters image; defining areas where essential city centre activities, like offices, shops, or cultural facilities should grow; providing a focused office core; building up a circuit of retailing; and reuniting the city with its neglected and underused waterfront.
The key next step is for the findings from Stage One to be discussed by the City Council at the meeting of the Strategic Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny meeting on 17th April.

Leicester Regeneration Company Board will also be present, to consider the Brief for the later stages of developing a regeneration framework.


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