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7th March 2002
Citizen's team chosen to work with Leicester's Masterplanners

Leicester Regeneration Company and consultants Roger Tym and Partners have chosen twenty two volunteers to take part in a Citizens Team to discuss the emerging regeneration masterplan for Leicester.

The twenty two people who volunteered for the citizens team have been chosen to provide their views of the future of the city, and come from a wide variety of backgrounds and interests. Over the next six months they will play an integral part in developing the masterplan, which will become the framework for regeneration in the city. The group will meet monthly and is made up of residents, people who work in the city and small businesses. The composition of the group is very varied, and includes a mix of backgrounds, ages, professions and occupations. The group has no specific experience in regeneration but are united by an interest in the future of Leicester and a desire to get involved.

The Leicester Regeneration Company, which was set up in April 2001 to facilitate development in the city, has identified the need for regeneration across Leicester concentrating on the Old Town, St Georges, Abbey Meadows, Frog Island and the city centre areas.

John Nicholls, Chief Executive of Leicester Regeneration Company said We are delighted by the response we have received. In putting this group together we have carefully considered the population of Leicester and I hope this group will truly reflect the views across the city. It is vital to us that the masterplan we develop is a realistic and achievable framework for driving forward the regeneration of Leicester and we will consult with this and other groups every step of the way.

As part of the masterplan development, consultations will also be held with businesses in the city centre and key stakeholders. There will also be a number of public exhibitions and displays at city centre locations throughout the next six months.

If you are interested in getting involved please call freephone .


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