Development Framework in place and two projects on site This offers one of the best waterside regeneration opportunities in the country and represents the city’s greatest hidden asset. We aim to develop this huge potential by making the ring road easier to cross and reconnecting the city centre with its 18 km of waterfront. Large-scale regeneration of the river and canalside will create over 3,000 new homes, restaurants and leisure, focused on existing and new water frontage.

Rationale The Waterside is the city’s greatest hidden asset. There is around 18 km of waterfront in LRC’s area, much of it close to the city centre, but until now only a little has been exploited as a regeneration resource. It offers one of the most exciting waterside regeneration opportunities in the country, with an entirely new residential-led waterside quarter, featuring new water space and leisure facilities. This will add much to the quality of life ‘offer’ and image of Leicester, and complement our other, economy-oriented Key Projects.
The barriers to achieving this are the inner ring road, which severs the area from the city centre, a large former railway viaduct and very fragmented land ownership occupied by many small businesses.
The Project (2002 master plan) The plan recommended a restructuring of the inner ring road as a gyratory system, reducing its barrier effect on pedestrians and allowing the New Walk extension down to the waterside. Comprehensive, residential-led mixed-use development would focus around a large new marina.
The Development Framework 2005 This Framework, produced by White Young Green and Hopkins Architects, with further urban design work by Kevin Fazackerly, was published for public consultation in late January 2005. It reflects the masterplan ideas for residential –led mixed use, but with some significant adjustments. It proposes a sequence of three phases of downgrading the ring road, each phase of benefit in its own right and capable of implementation as resources permit. It proposes new water space further north, to avoid important archaeology, and increases the number of main pedestrian links to the area. A site will be assembled for a pilot project, and the balance will be delivered by the private sector steered by clear planning guidance.
Progress and Programme
The draft development framework went through public consultation in 2005 and attracted strong support
The City Council’s detailed Supplementary Planning Document has been published and adopted
- Ongoing strong interest from developers. Land assembly is in progress
A developer and a housing association have each completed major apartment schemes
- Planning permission has been granted for two Ian Simpson- designed residential towers, containing 354 homes, on the waterfront
Land acquisition in the pilot area is well-advanced