28th August 2002
Positive response to stage two of masterplan
24th June 2002
Your Say on Leicester's Future
11th April 2002
Stage One of City's Masterplan Complete
20 March 2002
Leicester citizens meet to discuss city development
7th March 2002
Citizen's team chosen to work with Leicester's Masterplanners
12th Feb 2002
Have Your Say in the Future of Leicester
11th January 2002
Pilot project to kick-start regeneration in priority areas
11th December 2001
Roger Tym & Partners appointed to produce vision for city
28th August 2002
Positive response to stage two of masterplan
Further to public consultation on stage two of Leicester’s masterplan for future regeneration, the results of the first stage of public consultation have now been announced.
Overall the broad framework for regeneration was widely supported, particularly ideas to reunite the waterfront with the city centre and develop the retail core. Many of those who attended suggested additional areas for development, including an improved transport system and better leisure facilities. However, there was strong opposition to the possible relocation of Leicester market with 69% of the public who participated opposing the idea.
The masterplan has been commissioned by Leicester Regeneration Company and is being developed by Roger Tym & Partners. Detailed development and consultation will continue until 8th November when Patricia Hewitt MP will launch the final plan.
Over 1,400 members of the public attended the three-day presentation at the Shires Shopping Centre, discussed the plans and left their comments with members of staff. In addition 135 responses with extensive comments were received through the Leicester Mercury supplement and 25 people responded via the website.
Peter Wheeler, Chairman of Leicester Regeneration Company said ‘This was consultation of a broad strategy, now we can start to work up details on the basis of public preferences. We are grateful to everyone who got involved, many of whom responded to our ideas in great detail. In general the plan has been widely supported, except the idea of moving the market, and we have been given some valuable ideas from the public.'
Leicester Regeneration Company has carried out a number of consultations in addition to the Shires presentation including presentations to Leicestershire Business Voice and many more are planned in the forthcoming months. In addition to this, the Stakeholder Group and Citizens Team will continue to meet frequently leading up to the final plan. The LRC are still keen to hear from people and organisations and would encourage the public to contact them to find out more about the masterplan and getting involved in the consultation process.
John Nicholls, Chief Executive of Leicester Regeneration Company said ‘We have been really impressed at the level and depth of response from the public to our proposals, which, in general, have been well supported. To date we have received 500 written responses from members of the public, and continue to receive responses. The idea of moving the market has provoked some strong feelings, which we respect. We will now pass on the results of our consultation to Leicester City Council, for their response. We will continue to work up these proposals, but are still keen to hear from people with their views.’
For more information on the masterplan please visit leicesterregeneration.co.uk, or to speak to one of the team call .
24th June 2002
Your Say on Leicester's Future A public exhibition is being held in the city centre to give people the opportunity to comment on future development plans in Leicester.
The Leicester Regeneration Company are working with consultants Roger Tym & Partners to develop a regeneration masterplan for the city, and want the publics view on future plans. Stage one of the masterplan is now complete and has identified the social and economic needs of the
The second stage of work will include a public exhibition, which will be held in the Shires Shopping Centre on Friday 19th July, Saturday 20th July and Sunday 21st July. The exhibition will give the public a chance to view some of the proposed ideas and an opportunity to air their opinions on current plans.
The Leicester Regeneration Company, Roger Tym and Partners and representatives from Leicester City Council will be on hand to discuss current and future plans with the public and advise them on how they can get further involved. Public consultation through the Citizens Team and Stakeholder Groups will continue until November when the masterplan will be completed.
John Nicholls, Chief Executive of Leicester Regeneration Company said 'There are some really exciting ideas being developed for the city and we are eager to engage the public in the current plans. This is a perfect opportunity for people to contribute to the masterplan and have their say on the city's future.'
11th April 2002
Stage One of City's Masterplan Complete
The first stage of the development of Leicesters masterplan is now nearing completion. The masterplan, which will become a framework for regeneration in the city, has been commissioned by the Leicester Regeneration Company and is being developed by consultants Roger Tym & Partners. Work started on the masterplan earlier this year and is expected to be completed by September.
The first stage of the masterplan has examined the economic, social and physical needs of Leicester. This initial stage identifies the opportunities available in the city, and how the Leicester Regeneration Company will ensure that the 1,000 acres within their area can be used to realise this potential.
John Nicholls, Chief Executive of Leicester Regeneration Company said These findings are extremely important as they will play an influential part in determining the citys future, through physical and economic development. Roger Tyms approach is ideal: through this analysis, they have drafted a detailed brief for the next stage in the development of the masterplan. We are now consulting the Council on that brief.
Work is already underway on the second stage of the masterplan. This will define the framework of the strategy for the LRC area, which covers approximately 1,000 acres of the City, including the City Centre and the river and canal corridor, roughly between the National Space Centre and the new football stadium. It will indicate what role each part of this central area will play in relation to the whole, and how they will link together. In some parts it will be indicative, and in others more detailed. This second stage should be ready for consultation at the beginning of June, when a number of public exhibitions and workshops will be held to involve stakeholders and citizens in the testing of ideas.
Defining the brief is a vital stage, and consensus is essential, commented project director Nora Galley of Roger Tym & Partners. We now have the themes on which the strategy will be based tying together a compact and easily used city centre; creating opportunities for developments which will address the needs of the economy and transform Leicesters image; defining areas where essential city centre activities, like offices, shops, or cultural facilities should grow; providing a focused office core; building up a circuit of retailing; and reuniting the city with its neglected and underused waterfront.
The key next step is for the findings from Stage One to be discussed by the City Council at the meeting of the Strategic Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny meeting on 17th April.
Leicester Regeneration Company Board will also be present, to consider the Brief for the later stages of developing a regeneration framework.
MEDIA INFORMATION: For copies of the executive summary of the first stage of the masterplan and further details please contact Janine Williams on .
20 March 2002
Leicester citizens meet to discuss city development A group of volunteers, representing Leicester citizens and businesses, met on March 13th in the first of a series of meetings to discuss the regeneration of the city.
The group, which consists of local people who responded to open invitations in the local press and other media, is part of a consultation process which is being carried out by Roger Tym & Partners on behalf of the Leicester Regeneration Company. The consultation will form a key part of the master plan that the Leicester Regeneration Company is developing over the next six months. This will become the framework to drive forward regeneration in the city.
Leicester based company Social Research Associates organised the Citizens Team, which is made up of twenty two volunteers representative of the citys diverse population. The team will meet regularly over the next few months to work with the consultants, putting forward their views on how they think Leicester should be regenerated.
This initial meeting introduced the issues involved in regeneration, and explained how the team will provide comment and reaction as the master plan emerges. At the end of the meeting each member of the group was given a disposable camera and told to take photographs around the city. They were asked to look at places they like, places they dislike, places where they can see opportunities for development, and places that need attention. The photographs will help to stimulate discussion at future meetings.
John Nicholls, Chief Executive of the Leicester Regeneration Company comments: Roger Tym & Partners are international experts on regeneration, but we want experts on Leicester and there is no-one better qualified than local residents. We want the citizens team to be fully engaged and work with us as a sounding-board during preparation of our Master Plan. There will also be opportunities for everyone in Leicester to comment on our emerging proposals at two public exhibitions over the next few months. Combined with the input of the citizens team, this should give us a real insight into our Citys needs and preferences.
The next meeting will take place on 20th March. Consultants involved in the regeneration plan will talk to the group about economic regeneration, architecture and transportation issues.
7th March 2002
Citizen's team chosen to work with Leicester's Masterplanners Leicester Regeneration Company and consultants Roger Tym and Partners have chosen twenty two volunteers to take part in a Citizens Team to discuss the emerging regeneration masterplan for Leicester.
The twenty two people who volunteered for the citizens team have been chosen to provide their views of the future of the city, and come from a wide variety of backgrounds and interests. Over the next six months they will play an integral part in developing the masterplan, which will become the framework for regeneration in the city. The group will meet monthly and is made up of residents, people who work in the city and small businesses. The composition of the group is very varied, and includes a mix of backgrounds, ages, professions and occupations. The group has no specific experience in regeneration but are united by an interest in the future of Leicester and a desire to get involved.
The Leicester Regeneration Company, which was set up in April 2001 to facilitate development in the city, has identified the need for regeneration across Leicester concentrating on the Old Town, St Georges, Abbey Meadows, Frog Island and the city centre areas.
John Nicholls, Chief Executive of Leicester Regeneration Company said We are delighted by the response we have received. In putting this group together we have carefully considered the population of Leicester and I hope this group will truly reflect the views across the city. It is vital to us that the masterplan we develop is a realistic and achievable framework for driving forward the regeneration of Leicester and we will consult with this and other groups every step of the way.
As part of the masterplan development, consultations will also be held with businesses in the city centre and key stakeholders. There will also be a number of public exhibitions and displays at city centre locations throughout the next six months.
If you are interested in getting involved please call freephone .
MEDIA INFORMATION: There will be a media briefing and an opportunity to meet the Citizens Jury at 6pm on Wednesday 13th March. For further details please call Debbie Bond on .
12th Feb 2002
Have Your Say in the Future of Leicester The Leicester Regeneration Company is looking for people who live in Leicester, work in the city or local businesses that have an interest in the future development of the city to take part in a Future City Group.
The group will be involved throughout the consultation process and will play an integral role in the formation of the regeneration masterplan, which will form the basis of future development in Leicester.
The group, which will be made up of residents, businesses and interested parties, will work closely with Roger Tym and Partners, the consultant team who have been commissioned to produce the masterplan for regeneration in Leicester to help identify priorities and shape development in the city. The masterplan, which is due to be complete in September will dovetail with the other regeneration work already underway in the city. The Future City Group will meet monthly during the six month consultation period and will be involved in developing the vision for the city through public workshops and exhibitions.
The Leicester Regeneration Company, which was set up in April 2001 to facilitate development in the city, has identified the need for regeneration across the city concentrating on the Old Town, St Georges, Abbey Meadows, Frog Island and the city centre areas.
John Nicholls, Chief Executive of Leicester Regeneration Company said The masterplan will be the key tool in driving forward regeneration in Leicester. It is vital to us that as many people as possible get involved in helping to develop the masterplan and have a real say in the future of the their city.
If you are interested in having say in the future development of Leicester, please contact .
11th January 2002
Pilot project to kick-start regeneration in priority areas An innovative pilot project that will help to kick-start regeneration in three priority investment areas in Leicester has been introduced by the city council.
Under the scheme, the city council will waive its requirement for affordable housing to be included within developers' proposals - if their planning applications are for the St George's, Frog Island and Old Town areas of the city.
The pilot scheme follows a request from the Leicester Regeneration Company (LRC), which believed that the uncertainty, time and potential cost involved in negotiations around affordable housing were deterring prospective developers.
"We are delighted by the city council's decision," said Nigel Smith, acting chief executive of the LRC. "It sends a clear message to the market that Leicester means business, and that the city council is determined to secure the successful regeneration of the city.
"And it also shows that the council is prepared to think beyond the confines of conventional planning wisdom, if that's what it takes to make things happen."
The pilot scheme will apply to planning applications approved by March 31st 2003 in the three priority areas. Elsewhere in the city centre, the council will continue to seek the creation of affordable housing - as will the regeneration company as part of its commitment to widen housing choice. "Our hope is that this pilot will stimulate investment and regeneration in these three areas, making these sites more attractive to housing associations and other providers of affordable housing," said Cllr Ross Willmott, leader of the city council.
"We remain fully committed to the provision of affordable housing, but we have also been seeking innovative ways to assist the development of these key areas. This pilot scheme will send a strong message to potential developers that Leicester is a city that wants to work with them."
To get things moving quickly, planning permissions given under the pilot project will be limited by condition to start within 18 months, rather than the usual five years. This condition will allow the council to reconsider its position at the end of the pilot project, while ensuring that lengthy negotiations over Section 106 agreements can be avoided.
11th December 2001
Roger Tym & Partners appointed to produce vision for city The Leicester Regeneration Company has announced the successful appointment of Roger Tym and Partners to masterplan the regeneration of its area, creating a change in the city's fortunes.
Roger Tym and Partners will manage the nationally and internationally respected team who will set out a programme of action for the Regeneration Company in key areas of Leicester. The regeneration framework will be crucial to the future development of the Company's area, which covers the city centre, its surroundings and the river/canal corridor. At the heart of the masterplan will be the contribution this area can make to the overall economy and profile of Leicester.
Roger Tym and Partners will set out these overall needs and objectives outlined in the baseline study carried out by GVA Grimley, and will be supported by economic analysts, Techlocate.
The masterplan also demands creative imagination and flair, which will be provided by Alsop Architects, one of the UK's leading firms operating on the international scene, and Grant Associates, Landscape Architects.There are also practical needs, such as transport, traffic and travel issues, which will be addressed by Oscar Faber and Associates who are major transport consultants.
Another key aspect of the masterplan is the development of the city's property market. Chestertons and local company Innes England will be working together to ensure that the property market achieves its full potential.
Comedia, a company with international experience will be working to ensure that the city's creativity and arts potential is fully realized and developed.
A key element of the work will be the engagement of local communities and business. They will be fully involved and consulted, and future development will reflect public preference and stakeholders opinions. These will be encouraged through consultation exercises carried out by Leicester based Social Research Associates.
The new Chief Executive, John Nicholls, said 'We selected Roger Tym after an exhaustive selection process involving the top names in this field. The most important aspect of the masterplan is that it all has to be deliverable. There is no point in having a glossy plan that talks about great ideas but sits on a shelf. We need a detailed recipe to carry out this work and we know that a firm of Roger Tym and Partners calibre and
experience is ideally placed to give us exactly that."
The masterplan is expected to be completed by summer 2002.