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Changing Our City - Abbey Meadows

The Abbey Meadows development is one of the five major projects identified in the LRC’s Regeneration Masterplan and is expected to impact significantly on Leicester, as well as improving the river and canal side areas around the Space Centre and Wolsey Island.

LRC and Consultants
During the last five months, the LRC has been busy working with a specialist team of consultants led by Building Design Partnership (BDP), to prepare a detailed design and highways framework for the Abbey Meadows area. The LRC, BDP and a team of consultants such as Posford Haskoning, MVA, Jones Lang Lasalle and Thomas and Anderson, have been translating the conceptual ideas identified in the masterplan into one clear plan for development.

The Proposal


Two distinct areas will be redeveloped within the Abbey Meadows area.

A new Science and Technology Park

Artist's impressions

40,500 square meters
Office laboratory and business incubator space
Improved landscaping and environment
Enhanced pedestrian walkways and cycle paths from Abbey Park Road stretching northwards to create new pedestrian bridges over the river
Public spaces adjacent to the National Space Centre
A new road bridge over the Grand union Canal
A gateway entrance onto the A6 (Abbey Lane)
New bus route through the heart of the city
Up to 1800 new jobs created – predominantly graduate/post graduate positions in science and technology related industries as well as administration and support roles

Housing and Development

River Soar
2000 residential units to be created in the Wolsey Island and Ross Walk area
Variety of living/ work space units provided to accommodate office use on the ground floor and living space above
Provision of educational, health and retail facilities

Getting Involved

During the week commencing the 8th December 2003, the LRC organised a public exhibition at key locations in central Leicester to present their ideas for Abbey Meadows and engage with the Leicester Public. Feedback from the public regarding this scheme was sent back to the LRC by deadline date of the 2nd January 2004 and is currently being reviewed.

The LRC is always interested in receiving your views on the masterplan and the proposed schemes. If you wish to contact the LRC regarding this scheme please e-mail or phone .