31st January 2006

Artist’s Impression of the low energy homes to be built on First Bus’s Abbey Park Road depot in Leicester.
A land deal has cleared the way for a new development of more than 700 low energy homes on First Bus’s Abbey Park Road depot in Leicester.
English Partnerships has completed the sale of a former BP depot off nearby Abbey Lane to the bus company for a new bus garage. The company’s move will make way for the new homes.
The housing development, which includes a large share of affordable homes, is part of Leicester Regeneration Company’s Masterplan.
Chief executive John Nicholls said: “Creating an environment where people can enjoy living in the city is key to regenerating the city, and this site close to Abbey Park and the river and canal within minutes of the city centre is part of the vision for new city living.”
Of the 727 homes, 145 will be available at affordable rents and 146 offered on a shared ownership basis.
The developers’ parent group, Metropolitan Housing Partnership, have already bought the current depot site from First Bus. MHT’s construction partner on the project, Thomas Fish & Sons, is set to begin work on part of the site not occupied by First Bus. The bus company plans to relocate in spring 2007 leaving the rest of the site clear for development.
Leicester Regeneration Company played an important role in assisting and supporting the land deals. Simons Developments have played an enabling role working with landowners, the local authority and MHT.
Metropolitan Housing Partnership The Metropolitan Housing Partnership is a family of successful businesses providing housing, regeneration, and community and support services.
Businesses in the Partnership are Metropolitan Housing Trust, Metropolitan Home Ownership, Rushcliffe Homes, Granta Housing Society, Refugee Housing Association, StepForward, Metropolitan Living Limited.
English Partnerships
English Partnerships is the national regeneration agency helping the Government to support high quality sustainable growth in England.
English Partnerships has five core business areas and delivers its objectives through:
Developing our own portfolio of strategic projects
- Acting as the Government's specialist advisor on brownfield land
- Ensuring that surplus public sector land is used to support wider Government objectives, especially the implementation of the Sustainable Communities Plan
- Helping to create communities where people can afford to live and want to live
- Supporting the Urban Renaissance by improving the quality of our towns and cities
For more information, visit the web site at www.englishpartnerships.co.uk or e mail
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