26th June 2006 Regeneration Gathers Momentum in Leicester

Leicester’s Science and Innovation Park is a step closer, and progress on regeneration across central Leicester continues to gather momentum with more than ten projects now on site.
Tenders for the design and development of the Science and Innovation Park were received before Easter. Leicester City Council and Leicester Regeneration Company have been working together to choose a development partner. Outline planning permission has already been granted for 120,000 square feet of units on the former John Ellis School site, which will provide purpose-built research, development and production facilities to accommodate smaller hi-tech businesses, including those spun out of university research.
A planning application has been submitted for the joint development of two sites totalling 17-acres: the former Council depot, owned by East Midlands Development Agency (emda), and adjoining land fronting Abbey Lane, owned by developers Ingleby. The application includes a new access road to serve the Science and Innovation Park and the National Space Centre, seven acres of serviced science park plots ready for in-coming companies, a car showroom, a small office park and housing, including riverside apartments.
Elsewhere, work is continuing in four out of five of the key areas linked with Leicester Regeneration Company’s masterplan and sites are being made available for future development.
Developers H Group are close to completing site assembly for the New Community in the St George’s area of Leicester. They will be submitting a planning application for a phase one development of 150 studio, one, two and three-bed residential units, with construction planned to begin early next year.
In the New Business Quarter, Akeler is making headway with the foundations for the new Colton Square office development, creating 100,000 square feet of Grade A Offices. City and Thames Properties is also due to commence work in September on 40 apartments and a restaurant.
The Retail Core is advancing as Hammerson and Hermes continue the construction of the 60,000-square-metres scheme, which will more than double the size of the existing Shires shopping centre, creating a combined development over 100,000 square metres including a major John Lewis store. More than half of the scheme’s available retail space has already been let two years ahead of completion.
Leicester City Council is making headway with a £19 million programme to enhance the quality of the city centre’s streets and spaces. Work is now well underway on Gallowtree Gate, Horsefair Street and Halford Street.
The banks of the waterside are also taking shape and set to develop further as H Group is engaged in the Blackfriars area. The proposals are for a mixed-use scheme of 500 apartments comprising studio, one, two and three bed units. Also to be included is provision for Community Support Facilities and business start up units for small businesses and retail outlets.
Living in the City is close to completing 126 apartments at Westbridge Wharf and Metropolitan Housing Partnership is well advanced with the construction of 350 new homes at Leicester Square.
Westbridge Living has submitted an application for No 1 Westbridge, a high quality residential scheme, designed by Ian Simpson Architects, which comprises 354 units made up of a mix of studio apartments and 1, 2 and 3 bed units.
On Wolsey Island, Metropolitan Housing Partnership has completed site clearance to build 727 low energy homes on the former First Bus Depot on Abbey Park Road and work has now started on First Bus’ new depot on Abbey Park Lane.
John Nicholls, chief executive of Leicester Regeneration Company, comments: “Leicester’s regeneration is making tremendous progress. There is a real buzz throughout the city as the opportunities for a better quality of life for all draw ever closer.”
Photo Caption Leicester’s Science and Innovation Park is a step closer as a planning application is submitted for the joint development of two cleared sites totalling 17-acres: the former Council depot, owned by East Midlands Development Agency (emda), and adjoining land fronting Abbey Lane, owned by developers Ingleby.
For further media information
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