24th August 2006 Leicester’s £17 million Science Park Unveiled
Plans for Leicester’s Science Park have been unveiled following the selection of a preferred developer.

Leicester Regeneration Company has been working with Leicester City Council to choose a development partner, resulting in the selection of Creswell Estates to provide purpose-built research, development and production facilities to accommodate hi-tech businesses, including those ‘spun’ out of university research.
At an event held at the National Space Centre, Leader of Leicester City Council, Councillor Roger Blackmore, Leicester Regeneration Company’s chairman, Neil Morris, and chief executive, John Nicholls, were joined by Bob Worraker of Creswell Estates, architect Noel Street of SMC Corstorphine & Wright, and Michael North of chartered surveyors North Rae Sanders to unveil their proposals for the 120,000-square-foot science park to representatives of Leicester City Council and other distinguished guests.

The 120,000-square-foot science park will be built in the Abbey Meadows area of Leicester and will consist of 56 units for hi-technology businesses of all sizes.
John Nicholls commented: ”This is another milestone for Leicester’s Big Build. The designs submitted by Creswell Estates were far beyond our expectations for the site, and we are really looking forward to working alongside them in their delivery of one of the city’s key regeneration projects.”
Cllr Roger Blackmore, leader of Leicester City Council said: “Just as the Leicester Creative Business Depot has enabled new creative businesses to start up in the city, so the science park will enable hi-tech entrepreneurs from our local universities to develop locally.”
The Creswell Estates development team has extensive experience of providing commercial and mixed use developments throughout the country and will be working alongside the Intercity Group of Companies on the £17 million project.
Bob Worraker, managing director of Creswell Estates, said: “We are delighted to have been selected and we look forward to playing a major part in the city’s renewal.”
Creswell Estates will now begin negotiations with to draw up a detailed development agreement and obtain detailed planning permission.
Leicester Science Park is a one of five key projects in the city’s big build masterplan and is part of a forecast £3 billion of regeneration activity that is taking place across the city over the next five years. Picture Captions
Picture 1 – From left to right – John Nicholls, chief executive of Leicester Regeneration Company with Noel Street, development director for regeneration at SMC Corstorphine & Wright, Councillor Roger Blackmore, Leader of Leicester City Council, Neil Morris, chairman of Leicester Regeneration Company and Bob Worraker, managing director of Creswell Estates.
Picture 2 – Leicester Science Park
For further media information
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