20th December 2005
Work set to start on site that paves way for regeneration

Work is set to start before Christmas on a site for relocating businesses that makes way for regeneration in Leicester.
The Government’s national regeneration agency English Partnerships has bought the eight-acre (three-hectare) site in Beaumont Leys from Leicester City Council.
Work is expected to begin before Christmas on building access roads into and through the site with an official ground breaking scheduled for the New Year.
The deal was facilitated by Leicester Regeneration Company, which will make the site exclusively available to firms who relocate from other areas of the city undergoing major regeneration.
Initially, firms will relocate from the Vaughan Way area as The Shires doubles in size but the site will be available for any firm relocating from an LRC intervention zone.
Dominic Browne, Development Director at Leicester Regeneration Company, said: “This is excellent news. We are committed to making the transition for relocating companies as smooth as possible and obtaining really good sites for them is absolutely crucial.”
Councillor Peter Coley, Leicester City Council's finance spokesman, said: "The council is committed to the success of the Shires project and we were glad to do whatever was necessary to help displaced firms relocate in time."
The site is at Hoods Close off Beaumont Leys Lane next to the Trelleborg plant at Bursom Industrial Estate, close to Junction 21A of the M1 and the Leicester Western Bypass.
It is fully serviced with plots from half an acre. Part of the site will be used for terraced units to house smaller companies.
Tony Morton, The Regeneration Manager for English Partnerships, who completed the deal, said: “This is a great opportunity for Leicester and will allow our partners to continue with the regeneration of the city centre without affecting the business community”
Contractors Wrekin Construction have been appointed. Agents are Lambert Smith Hampton.
Several such sites will be required to pave the way for LRC’s Masterplan to bring urban revitalisation to five key areas of the city. Both English Partnerships and the council are partners in the plan along with emda and Leicester Shire Economic Partnership.
The Masterplan will see £2 billion invested over the next five years, changing the face of the city and creating thousands of new jobs.
Notes to Editors
English Partnerships is the national regeneration agency helping the Government to support high quality sustainable growth in England.
We have five core business areas and deliver our objectives through:
- Developing our own portfolio of strategic projects
- Acting as the Government's specialist advisor on brownfield land
- Ensuring that surplus public sector land is used to support wider Government objectives, especially the implementation of the Sustainable Communities Plan
- Helping to create communities where people can afford to live and want to live
- Supporting the Urban Renaissance by improving the quality of our towns and cities
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