14th September 2005
Keeping Leicester Informed

Leicester Regeneration Company has produced a set of bespoke signposts to communicate its work with local people.
The signs were made for Leicester Expo, the city’s largest street festival, to point visitors in the direction of many major regeneration projects in Leicester.
The Expo was devised and run by Leicester Shire Promotions, the organisation responsible for promoting city and county to visitors and investors and one of several local organisations working closely with Leicester Regeneration Company (LRC).
John Nicholls, Chief Executive of LRC, said: “We have always worked hard to keep Leicester people informed of our progress and working with other organisations offers the perfect opportunity to reach a wider audience.
“ It is vital that local people recognise the benefits of regeneration and are ready to make the most of the new opportunities. The signposts we commissioned were a fun way to highlight the many exciting changes happening in, and planned for, Leicester. Instead of distances, the signs show the date the particular project is expected to be ready.”
Martin Peters, Chief Executive of Leicester Shire Promotions, added: “We are always keen to work with any organisation that is promoting Leicester and what it can offer the public and businesses. The Expo attracted almost 350,000 people to the city, with many travelling from outside the region, so LRC’s signs will have helped highlight the exciting future in store for Leicester.”
Leicester Regeneration Company’s masterplan recommended five projects for the physical regeneration of central Leicester. Building work is expected to start this year on two projects, the New Business Quarter and the Science and Technology Park. Good progress is being made on plans for the Waterside, New Community and the upgrading of the retail circuit.
For further media information
CONTACT Amy Puttick at hopwood on
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