As part of Leicester Regeneration Company’s Big Build Live event on 6 September 2006, we are holding a photography competition in search of the regeneration image of Leicester.
The picture will capture what the regeneration of the city means to you.
Picture ideas can include:
- An image of a striking development in the city
- Visions of how an area is changing
Winners will be chosen by public ballot, held at the Big Build Live, September 6, Leicester Mercury Marquee, Leicester Mercury Building, St George. The event is open to the public from 12noon - 4pm so come along, vote for your winning image and see the future of Leicester for yourself.
The winning picture will be printed in the Mercury, enlarged and displayed at the Leicester Regeneration Company offices and used in future publicity materials.

1st Prize – £250 digital camera supplied by Jessops, the UK's No 1 photographic retailer, and an enlarged digitally printed picture of the winning image
2nd Prize – Must See 3 Family ticket - visit 3 world class attractions in Leicestershire - the National Space Centre, Twycross Zoo and Conkers (2 adults, 2 children - aged 4 - 14)
3rd Prize - Family ticket to Leicester’s National Space Centre
4th Prize – A Leicestershire Hamper provided by Leicester Shire Promotions

Competition Entry
- Send entries with your name, address, contact telephone number to
- Mark your entry REGENERATION COMPETITION in the subject of the email
- Entries can be submitted in person on CD to Regeneration Competition, hopwood, 55 Regent Road, Leicester LE1 6YF

- The competition is open to anyone living in Leicestershire - no age limit
- One photo per entrant
- Images must be submitted as a high resolution (300 dpi) jpeg
- Entries must be received no later than 5pm on 25th August 2006
- By submitting an entry you agree to the terms and conditions of this competition and for your image to be used in future publicity materials for Leicester Regeneration Company

Must See 3 is the perfect family break! - Save up to 40% at 3 world-class attractions as well as great hotel deals - for more, visit www.mustsee3.co.uk